WCH-Organizers working together
2007 is the “Year of Worldchampionships” in Germany. The worldchampionship in Handball has taken place a few weeks ago and it was the beginning of many more events in the country. Gymnastics, Modern Pentathlon, Rowing, Canoe or Bobsleigh will follow and, certainly, the 44th Outdoor Archery World Championships to be held in Leipzig on July 7-15.
To increase the popularity of these events, the organizers of the sports federations will receive help from very potential partners. Under the Headline “Germany moves forward” BARMER, the biggest health insurance in Germany, BILD am SONNTAG the biggest Sunday paper and the TV station Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) will support the worldchampionships 2007 with a nationwide campaign.
20 Federations working together to realize this campaign which includes articles, trailers and other promotions.